Showbie in Action is our latest resource for year 3-6 classroom teachers. The booklet is a practical guide to Showbie, using an iPad. In this guide, you will learn how powerful assignment, feedback and communication tools can be easily integrated into your day-to-day practice and see real-life, subject-specific examples in action. 

Each chapter of this book is supported by educational research, step-by-step instructions and sample assignments you can add to your class to help get you up and running with Showbie. Today, we share the first chapter, “Build Great Assignments”, including an example assignment for daily check-ins with students as a sneak peek.

Build Great Assignments

Assignments are the cornerstone of Showbie as they create the connection between you and your student. Your assignments can be curriculum focused or, as with this example, focus on building student relationships and wellbeing.

Comments enable you to provide the instructions needed for students to understand the task they need to complete and for your students to tell you the things they need you to know.

Try it yourself

Create an Assignment

From your class, tap on the wrench and choose New Assignment. Give your assignment a name, and you can choose if you would like to add a due date.

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Set Student Access 

Choose the level of access you would like your students to have. You can change this at any time. 

  • Locked: students will only see the assignment name. 
  • View Only: Students can see assignments and open files but cannot add new files or annotations. 
  • Editable: Students can add files and annotate work.

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Add a Comment

Tap in the comment box near the top of the screen and add your information. Tap ‘post’ when you have completed your information.

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Add Links and Emojis to a Comment

Links to websites can be pasted in the body of your comment. To add an emoji, tap on the happy face emoji key at the bottom left of your on-screen keyboard.

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Pinned Comments

As well as Voice Notes, you can also pin typed Comments within an Assignment. If there’s not a lot of space in your file, but you’d still like to add annotations, the pinned comments feature is a great way to make comments in a much neater way than with the pen tool or text box

Reorder Comments

To reorder your comments and other files, hold and drag your finger on the reorder icon at the far right of each post.

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Join us at BETT and book a personalised demo on our stand with our experienced Learning Specialists and Educators, Craig Thompson & Leigh Milligan, to learn more.

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